If I want to, you can also attach the app shortcut to the Windows start menu. The created app shortcut can now be started from the desktop with a simple click. The final command looks like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -app= In our final step we add the customized command to the field "target" and close the window with OK. We replace them with the parameter " -app" which we pass the url of the desired web page. Now we delete all parameters behind the chorme.exe.

Copy the content of the field Target into our text editor. We click on the shortcut with the right mouse button and select " Properties". To make sure that the shortcut is actually started as an app, we now have to make one last adjustment. After closing the window by clicking on Create we find the new shortcut on the Windows desktop. In the context menu we choose " Create shortcut". Now we click the created whatsapp shortcut with the right mouse button. If you miss the bookmark, you can simply copy the url chrome://apps/ in the address line. We now confirm our entry by clicking on "Create". In the settings of Chrome we now select " Add to taskbar" in the submenu "More tools". Since we need the url of the page again later, we best copy it into a text editor. In our example this is the web version of Whatspap. We now visit the website for which we want to create the app shortcut.

In the first step we start the Chrome Browser. You actually have the feeling of using a normal Windows program. The advantage of the app shortcut compared to a normal shortcut is that the Chrome website opens in a simple "Windows window" that does not remind you of a browser. Discuss about this video on Facebook or Twitter.